Missy's Muses

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Another pound is gone forever!

I'm down another pound this morning! This is unbelievable. That yard work must be really paying off! Every one have an awesome day! I am!
I'm back at work. We had open house tonight.
Children come tomorrow!

......I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can.....

Missy 50 years old 5'1"
365/205.5/115 (Began on 9-22-05)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Back to School and 11 months of Nutrisystem

August 21, 2006
It has been 11 months and I am now down 158.5 pounds!

......I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can.....

September First Goal

Missy 50 years old 5'1"
365/206.5/205SFG/115 (Began on 9-22-05)
Missy's Muses

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Walking with Joe and God

Joe, my 14 year old son and I, took our walking shoes and a sack lunch with us to Bible class and after worship we changed our shoes, left the car in the parking lot and walked a little over 2 miles to the Sweet Corn Festival at the Community Park. We ate lunch there and walked and walked, looking at all the crafts and having a great time. Then we walked back to the building and the car to go home. We looked at the sky and the trees and talked about God and sang hymns on our way! It was a wonderful day!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

158 pounds are gone now!

I woke up another pound lighter! I am only 7.5 pounds from ONEderland!
I walked to the pavillion where we were having an outdoor marketplace for VBS this morning and back home when it was over. That means 2 miles of outdoor walking today! I just keep on shrinking! Hurray!

......I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can.....

Missy 50 years old 5'1"
365/207/115 (Began on 9-22-05)

Friday, August 18, 2006

Sharing the Plan!

I had a friend call and ask me to bring over samples of the NS food and tell her and another friend all about the program. It was very encouraging for me to share. I began and ended by telling them that it works for me, but I do not know if it will work for them.
I really love Nutrisystem.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My own brother didn't recognize me!

My brother, who is 2 years older and lives less than a mile away, passed me on the way up the stairs at church last night. Then he suddenly turned and looked down the stairs at me and said, "Wow, Missy. You look so different, I didn't even know who you were!" At first I said, "Yeah, right!" I mean.. it was my brother! I see him at least once a week and I spent about a week and a half sitting at the supper table with him on vacation in Canada just last month. Then he said, "I mean it! You have lost so much weight and you look so different, I am having trouble recognizing you!" I said, "Wow, thank you!"

I was down 1.5 more pounds this morning! That means I have lost 157 pounds! Hurray!

......I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can.....

Missy 50 years old 5'1"
365/208/115 (Began on 9-22-05)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Whoosh - I'm down 3 more pounds!

I have moved from Morbidly Obese to Obese!

High FiveHigh FiveHigh Five

......I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can...........I think I can.....

Missy 50 years old 5'1"
365/209.5/115 (Began on 9-22-05)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Power of the Saw and Clippers!

Wow, the power of the saw and clippers! Today I worked from 11AM to 2PM, 5:45PM to 7:30PM, and 9:00PM to 9:30PM - IN THE YARD! I have NEVER been a yard person, but I am finding that working in the yard is helping me to stay on my eating plan! I am accomplishing some much needed and overdo maintenance and I'm sure not going to eat while my hands are in heavy, dirty work gloves. The work is time consuming and diverse enough to be interesting. Plus +++++ It consumes lots of calories, for I am not just "puttering" around. I am WORKING HARD!

Trimming the trees is like trimming the fat! It can be readily seen and takes work. If I neglect it again, it will fall to ruin. So I am working to get the yard in shape, then I will need to continue to work to keep it in shape. I am also working to get my body in shape, then I will need to continue to work to keep it in shape. It can be readily seen and takes work. If I neglect it again, my body will go to ruin (the weight will come back!)

You are probably already tired of this line of thinking, but I am finding this concept SO POWERFUL!


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Gardening and Weightloss - An unexpected analogy!

I wrote to a friend that I had been trimming bushes and digging up errant trees that had grown up in my yard while I had been unable to keep up due to my weight. One of the benefits of shedding 150+ pounds is that I am able to get out and do more. My friend responded that she never did any gardening as she hates dirt. As I replied to her the following analogy emerged, so I thought I would copy it here as it would be a good reminder to myself and might help someone else, too.

"I'm kind of with you on the gardening. I don't care much for dirt either! HOWEVER, I dislike cracked concrete, broken foundations, torn up fences, gutters in need of repair, rotten shingles, etc. even more than I dislike dirt. Since I own the house, if I don't make sure that it is taken care of I will have to be dealing with all of the afore mentioned disasters. So I am "gardening." I am not doing it for love of gardening, or even to make the place a "show place." It is purely SELF DEFENSE!

Kind of like the journey I am making with this weightloss! I really miss my favorite foods! I dislike having to think about what I am eating! HOWEVER, I dislike no energy, not being able to walk, not being able to sit where I want, not being able to wear seatbelts, not being able to go places, out of control blood sugar, high blood pressure, etc. even more than I dislike watching what I eat. Since I own this body, if I don't make sure that it is taken care of I will have to continue dealing with all of the afore mentioned disasers. So I am "watching what I eat!" I am not doing it for love of eating well, or even to make my body a "fashion model." It is purely SELF DEFENSE!


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My continuing journey