Missy's Muses

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Here is the Faux Birthday Cake that Jo had Karen make for me for my Surprise Party! It has no cake only icing! Karen told me that my mom could save it by spraying it with Shellack, so she is planning to. Then I will have it for a long time as a present! Posted by Picasa

Here are some of the ladies from church at the surprise 50th Birthday party they gave me this morning. Posted by Picasa

Here I am at my Surprise 50th Birthday Party the ladies from church gave me this morning! I was shocked! Posted by Picasa

I stepped away from the boy! Posted by Picasa

April 4th, 2006 - I am now 50 years young! Some of the gifts from my AWESOME friends at work. They made the throw and gave me lots of red hat and purple dress gifts and pins and cards. What more could a girl ask for? I am indeed blessed! Posted by Picasa

My door at work on my 50th birthday! They had red and purple balloons everywhere. The shirt, hat and boa were part of my presents to welcome me to the red hat society! Thank you you wonderful colleagues! Posted by Picasa

My 50th birthday at my parents' house! (Front) Joseph, Timothy (2nd) Me, Daniel, Dee, Reva, (Back) Dad, Mom, Don Posted by Picasa