Missy's Muses

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Trying once again to manage my weight and A1C

Weight is so difficult to control. I got up to my all time high of 365 on 9/21/05. I went on Nutrisystem and was so compliant that I lost 147 pounds in 10 months. Even though I still weighed over 200 I was told by my doctor to put some back on. I regained almost 100 pounds. I'm thankful I have managed to keep it around 300, but know I need to REALLY lose it. I will go down 20 or so and then gain it all back. I am only 5'1" tall, so I am always mortally obese. I would love to get down to merely being obese (that would be 211). I tried Nutrisystem again but they have changed the formulas for their food adding in lots of omega-3 from fish oil which I cannot handle. I get my omega-3 from nuts and I love fish, but I can't digest the fish oil.

At the doctor on July 29. Weighed 303 pounds, the highest I have been since I was 304 on Nov 11, 2012. That makes it sound like I'm not doing bad, but I was down to 270 on Oct 31, 2013 and have been steadily climbing. I have gained 10 pounds in the last 6 months. I really need to get this turned around. My A1c on July 29 was 9.4, which is also up from Apr 22 A1c of 8.0

I have a new Care Manager named Natalie. She spent some time talking to me on the phone on Friday, Aug 5 and it helps. I often feel like anyone who understands the medical aspects, doesn't care enough to take the time to talk to me. My goals for now are: (1) to increase my Solostar injections by 2 units until I am up to 46, which will be tomorrow night, and level off there (2) test my blood glucose once a day or every other day (3) limit carbs better.

I am going to weigh more regularly as that is something I haven't done in quite a while as I lost the bathroom scale. I bought a new one! I usually do a better job of cutting back on carbs when I weigh once or twice a week. (I get obsessive if I weigh EVERY day.)

My brother's grandchildren: Hunter and Gabriel.
I teach them Monday thru Friday.
I need to get healthy for myself and the grandchildren. Here are some pictures.

My granddaughter Lailyn turned 4 months old on Aug 5th.
I keep her when her parents have to work.
Usually a few times a week.
My great nephews and I were at Kroger.
We ran into my grandchildren
Carson and Madeline.
My youngest grandson Elijah.
He comes over every Tuesday evening
so Mommy and Daddy can have some alone
time and he and I can have some FUN time.
He will be 1 on Aug 12.