Gardening and Weightloss - An unexpected analogy!
I wrote to a friend that I had been trimming bushes and digging up errant trees that had grown up in my yard while I had been unable to keep up due to my weight. One of the benefits of shedding 150+ pounds is that I am able to get out and do more. My friend responded that she never did any gardening as she hates dirt. As I replied to her the following analogy emerged, so I thought I would copy it here as it would be a good reminder to myself and might help someone else, too.
"I'm kind of with you on the gardening. I don't care much for dirt either! HOWEVER, I dislike cracked concrete, broken foundations, torn up fences, gutters in need of repair, rotten shingles, etc. even more than I dislike dirt. Since I own the house, if I don't make sure that it is taken care of I will have to be dealing with all of the afore mentioned disasters. So I am "gardening." I am not doing it for love of gardening, or even to make the place a "show place." It is purely SELF DEFENSE!
Kind of like the journey I am making with this weightloss! I really miss my favorite foods! I dislike having to think about what I am eating! HOWEVER, I dislike no energy, not being able to walk, not being able to sit where I want, not being able to wear seatbelts, not being able to go places, out of control blood sugar, high blood pressure, etc. even more than I dislike watching what I eat. Since I own this body, if I don't make sure that it is taken care of I will have to continue dealing with all of the afore mentioned disasers. So I am "watching what I eat!" I am not doing it for love of eating well, or even to make my body a "fashion model." It is purely SELF DEFENSE!
"I'm kind of with you on the gardening. I don't care much for dirt either! HOWEVER, I dislike cracked concrete, broken foundations, torn up fences, gutters in need of repair, rotten shingles, etc. even more than I dislike dirt. Since I own the house, if I don't make sure that it is taken care of I will have to be dealing with all of the afore mentioned disasters. So I am "gardening." I am not doing it for love of gardening, or even to make the place a "show place." It is purely SELF DEFENSE!
Kind of like the journey I am making with this weightloss! I really miss my favorite foods! I dislike having to think about what I am eating! HOWEVER, I dislike no energy, not being able to walk, not being able to sit where I want, not being able to wear seatbelts, not being able to go places, out of control blood sugar, high blood pressure, etc. even more than I dislike watching what I eat. Since I own this body, if I don't make sure that it is taken care of I will have to continue dealing with all of the afore mentioned disasers. So I am "watching what I eat!" I am not doing it for love of eating well, or even to make my body a "fashion model." It is purely SELF DEFENSE!
At 8/13/2006 10:35 AM,
Emily said…
Missy, that's a great analogy. And it's so true. I clicked on your link from another blog, and WOW! You look fantastic. I've seen you on the boards, but haven't seen updated pictures of you. You have a lot to be proud of!
At 8/13/2006 12:50 PM,
Missy said…
Thanks Emily! You look fantastic too!
At 8/13/2006 2:03 PM,
Purrrfectlyinsane said…
That is so true. We really must take care of our bodies like we do our yards, house, car, etc...
You are doing so fantastic!!
Keep on Keeeping on!! :)
At 8/14/2006 7:15 PM,
Jamie said…
Hi Missy...what a great way to think of it. Thanks for sharing. I really enjoy yard work, not all but most so I can really relate. You are looking great. I hope you are feeling better as well.
At 8/15/2006 11:53 PM,
Missy said…
Karen and Jamie,
Thanks! I am feeling great!
At 8/16/2006 9:36 AM,
Marni said…
You are a true inspiration!!! I just joined NS and saw your profile..and followed the link to here. You my dear , can DO ANYTHING! GO girl GO! Glad you're feeling better and out playing in the! :)
Best wishes, Marni (MARNIP on NS)
At 8/19/2006 5:23 PM,
Missy said…
Thanks Marni,
I hope you have a fantastic journey!
Hmm! Playing in the dirt? I wonder how many calories are in a 9" mudpie! LOL! Just kidding!
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