Busy Month
I finished up 2 on-line Economics courses. Gabriel and I watched Melanie's graduation online - very crowded there, not enough tickets! Then we had Gabriel's 2 year old Train Birthday party. Then we had Daniel and Amanda's rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, wedding and they were off to Disney World for their honeymoon! Then Father's Day dinner with Timothy, Jenni, Sehara, Carson, Joe, and Gabriel. Jenni decided to tell Sehara about her expectant sibling! Yay! So we get to talk about it now! We released the butterflies in Mom and Dad's backyard along with Mya. We bought a bigger cage and moved the three 3 week old quail into it and moved the 2 newly hatched quail into the 20 gallon aquarium/brooder. Took care of Zachary for Jeanine. Watched movies and played games with Sehara. Sent Daniel a happy birthday message on his birthday. Gabriel and I drove Jenni, Sehara, and Carson to Cincinnati and met up with Jenni's Aunt and Mom, who drove them onto Buckner. Up-graded the house to whole house HD-DVR. (I'm really liking it.) Gabriel loved following the installer all over the house. Kept Gabe for Melanie's birthday dinner with Rickey. Daniel and Amanda called - they are on their way back. Gave Melanie her birthday present. She really liked it! Still a week of June left to go! Who knows what else will come up!