Oh, was I embarassed!
Yesterday, I decided to add swimming to my biking and walking. I swam right after work. I alternated 2 laps of the breast stroke with 2 laps of the side stroke until I had in 18 laps which is 1/2 mile. Then I treaded water for 30 minutes. After supper I did my 2 Mile Walk Diet with my 13 year old son. I held 1 pound weights while doing it. Then I rode my bike for 10 miles.
Today I did everything in reverse order. I got in my biking (10 miles - 40 minutes), my walking (2 miles holding 1 pound weights), and my swimming (1/2 mile doing the breast stroke the entire time. It took 35 minutes.) Then I treaded water for 1 hour.
I did not intend to tread water that long, but while I was swimming my laps in the roped off lap-lane, the rest of the pool filled up with children for a birthday party and when I started treading water I realized that there were 7 adults that I know there supervising the party. None of them were in bathing suits and although I have lost 90 pounds, I still need to lose another 160 pounds, and I REALLY did not want to exit the pool with all of them there watching me.
After treading water for 1 hour, I asked one of them when the party was ending and it wasn't ending for another hour. Well, I could not stay in the water for another hour. I was getting sleepy, I NEEDED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM, and in spite of the heated water I was getting cold. I did not think I could get up that ladder and out of the pool by myself (the day before I had needed the lifeguard's help), but I made it (quite quickly, in point of fact) and I did not die of embarrassment.
In fact, after I showered and dressed and went back to the pool area to mark my 1/2 mile on the pool wallchart, 2 of them said, "Wow, Missy you are looking so great! You have really lost weight!" I told them thanks and that it was Nutrisystem! An unexpected non-scale victory!
Today I did everything in reverse order. I got in my biking (10 miles - 40 minutes), my walking (2 miles holding 1 pound weights), and my swimming (1/2 mile doing the breast stroke the entire time. It took 35 minutes.) Then I treaded water for 1 hour.
I did not intend to tread water that long, but while I was swimming my laps in the roped off lap-lane, the rest of the pool filled up with children for a birthday party and when I started treading water I realized that there were 7 adults that I know there supervising the party. None of them were in bathing suits and although I have lost 90 pounds, I still need to lose another 160 pounds, and I REALLY did not want to exit the pool with all of them there watching me.
After treading water for 1 hour, I asked one of them when the party was ending and it wasn't ending for another hour. Well, I could not stay in the water for another hour. I was getting sleepy, I NEEDED TO GO TO THE BATHROOM, and in spite of the heated water I was getting cold. I did not think I could get up that ladder and out of the pool by myself (the day before I had needed the lifeguard's help), but I made it (quite quickly, in point of fact) and I did not die of embarrassment.
In fact, after I showered and dressed and went back to the pool area to mark my 1/2 mile on the pool wallchart, 2 of them said, "Wow, Missy you are looking so great! You have really lost weight!" I told them thanks and that it was Nutrisystem! An unexpected non-scale victory!
At 1/22/2006 1:31 PM,
Karon said…
What a wonderful NSV that was for you! I am amazed at all your exercise. Keep up the good work!
At 1/22/2006 10:25 PM,
Missy said…
Thanks Karon! I am really enjoying the moving! It is quite exhilerating!
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