Like to Ride
A friend on Nutrisystem asked my how I chose my NS name and as I answered her I realized it would make a good post to my muses so here it is:
I like to ride my exercise bike in my house! My now 13 year old son used to always ask me when I was going to get a real bike! I told him that it is a real bike. A real good bike! If I get tired or thirsty, no matter how far I have ridden I can just get off and sit down or get a glass of water. I don't have to ride back home first.
One year I began riding it in the summer and rode 1000 miles by New Year's Eve. (I left the kids at mom's about 10:30 to go home and get in the last 20 miles before midnight. Then went back over there to watch the ball drop.) I pretended I was meeting some on-line friends at a cafe in Amarillo, Texas. But they dropped out of the race and never answered anymore of my e-mails and I never knew what happened to them. But it was a long time ago!
Then later my boys and I were visiting family on the Texas coast and I got a bad, bad burn at the beach in Surfside Texas that necessitated going to the doctor and being laid up for over a week. I wasn't allowed to drive and I sat around in my brother-in-law's house in my underwear. with a huge hole cut out of the back of my shirts and my nephews and sons couldn't stand to look at my back. I had 6 hard-boiled egg sized blisters on my back and my entire back had 3rd degree burns. My skin sloughed off in one huge piece about 1 and 1/2 feet by 2 feet.
But my brother-in-law's new wife (my sister had died 2 years before this) and I finally got to know each other. I learned humility when I had to call for her help as I was naked in the shower and all my children are boys. She was so kind and understanding and helpful.
When I was finally able to drive back to Ohio with my 3 children we spent the night in Nashville at a friend's house and while loading the car I fell down an outside flight of stairs and broke my tailbone and I couldn't ride for over 2 years.
During that time I put on a lot of weight and by the time my tailbone was healed I was so heavy I couldn't even get on my bike to ride. It was very sad and discouraging. So I chose the name to motivate myself to lose weight so I could ride my exercise bike again.
Now, I can. Which also helps in my weight loss. Now, I usually ride 10 miles a day! My bottom gets to hurting in spite of all the foam padding I have added to the bike seat and I sometimes stop for a few minutes to go use the bathroom or rest, but I actually enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something.
I am in an exercise challenge of 1000 miles with some on-line NS buddies again. And it is motivational. I think I need to think of somewhere to ride to again and put a map on the wall. That really makes it fun for me!
I like to ride my exercise bike in my house! My now 13 year old son used to always ask me when I was going to get a real bike! I told him that it is a real bike. A real good bike! If I get tired or thirsty, no matter how far I have ridden I can just get off and sit down or get a glass of water. I don't have to ride back home first.
One year I began riding it in the summer and rode 1000 miles by New Year's Eve. (I left the kids at mom's about 10:30 to go home and get in the last 20 miles before midnight. Then went back over there to watch the ball drop.) I pretended I was meeting some on-line friends at a cafe in Amarillo, Texas. But they dropped out of the race and never answered anymore of my e-mails and I never knew what happened to them. But it was a long time ago!
Then later my boys and I were visiting family on the Texas coast and I got a bad, bad burn at the beach in Surfside Texas that necessitated going to the doctor and being laid up for over a week. I wasn't allowed to drive and I sat around in my brother-in-law's house in my underwear. with a huge hole cut out of the back of my shirts and my nephews and sons couldn't stand to look at my back. I had 6 hard-boiled egg sized blisters on my back and my entire back had 3rd degree burns. My skin sloughed off in one huge piece about 1 and 1/2 feet by 2 feet.
But my brother-in-law's new wife (my sister had died 2 years before this) and I finally got to know each other. I learned humility when I had to call for her help as I was naked in the shower and all my children are boys. She was so kind and understanding and helpful.
When I was finally able to drive back to Ohio with my 3 children we spent the night in Nashville at a friend's house and while loading the car I fell down an outside flight of stairs and broke my tailbone and I couldn't ride for over 2 years.
During that time I put on a lot of weight and by the time my tailbone was healed I was so heavy I couldn't even get on my bike to ride. It was very sad and discouraging. So I chose the name to motivate myself to lose weight so I could ride my exercise bike again.
Now, I can. Which also helps in my weight loss. Now, I usually ride 10 miles a day! My bottom gets to hurting in spite of all the foam padding I have added to the bike seat and I sometimes stop for a few minutes to go use the bathroom or rest, but I actually enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something.
I am in an exercise challenge of 1000 miles with some on-line NS buddies again. And it is motivational. I think I need to think of somewhere to ride to again and put a map on the wall. That really makes it fun for me!
At 1/16/2006 12:13 PM,
Karon said…
Wow! A thousand miles, huh? You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story.
At 1/20/2006 11:32 PM,
Missy said…
It is great fun! Congratulations on your weightloss! It is so great to be making this journey with others. I view this as a "helping each other along" and not as a competition between any of us! I'm glad to see you viewing it that way, too! Persevere! Keep on keeping on!
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