Missy's Muses

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Began again!

Well, I decided to begin again, as I had let my blood glucose get out of hand - 504 in the morning! ARGH!!!!
I knew if I waited until the new year it would probably not happen.
I started my on-time meds, drinking water, nutrisystem, taking my BG readings, weighing-in and exercise again on Dec. 31, 2007.

I have been doing great! Two full days of SPOT-ON! I have already lost 6.5 pounds! I have an appointment with my doctor today to go over the latest blood test results. I know that my A1C had to be sky high, because I had not been taking my meds, and I had been eating everything bad in mega-amounts. I am determined once again, to do this. I have re-found my earlier strength.

Please pray for me!


  • At 1/12/2008 10:18 PM, Blogger Susan said…

    Hi Missy, I'm praying for you! I saw you post on the board and stopped by to say hi. I'm glad you're getting your bG under control because we need you, your family needs you. :)

  • At 7/10/2009 12:26 PM, Blogger Missy said…

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